mandag 8. februar 2010

Global Youth Partnership

From 3. -6. February were Einar and Magnhild at Global Youth Partnership in Oslo. LNU arranged this conference to develop the comptence of the organisations that rescieved funding in 2009. Bergen-ICY recieved funds for our exchanged project with JAI in Palestine. Ibrahim wa also at the conference.
It was a really great conference wich were interesting and we learned a lot. There were lectures about mutual partnership, communication, Gender and environment etc. We are better prepared for a new project now. We used some time to plan the future together with Ibrahim and we look forward to keep in touch.
Oslo ICY and Buskerud krets were also at the GYP and we also got to know different organisation and many very nice people.

onsdag 3. februar 2010

Ny leiar

Tysdag 2. februar hadde Bergen ICY sitt årsmøte for 2010. Årsrapport og reknskap vart lagt fram, akkompagnert av bilete frå ICY sine eskapadar i året som gjekk. Diskusjonar kring medlemstal og arrangement denne våren vart og viktig, og viktigast av alt: etter eit spanande val der Mari stilte til val på Einar sitt prinsipp frå i fjor om at "alle kandidatar treng ein motkandidat", vart Einar einstemmig valt til leiar for neste år. Han tok over den blå leiarmappa etter konstituert leiar Saliba. Gratulerar!