onsdag 26. august 2009

Prayer for peace

Today we attended the student mass in Johanneskirken. This mass is every Wednesday at 11.30. and lasts for half an hour with lunch after.

We participated with a prayer, both in Arabic and in Norwegian. Bashir and Issa also contributed with an Arabic church song and another song about the life of the Palestinians.

After the mass, we had lunch with some of the students that were there and the university priests.

Pray with us:

Dear Lord!

We ask you for the people who are joinig the service here today to give them joy and good health. We want to pray that they will have peace of mind in the coming school semester, and find time for reflection in between the studies.

We ask you also to help all the people in the world. Help the people who are sick, poor, homeless, and who are lacking safety, to give them the strength to keep hope alive. We ask you to give patience to those people who are working to make the earth a better place to live for all people.

We especcially today ask to spread the seeds of peace in the middle east. To stop the violence, killing and toture. Help the leaders of the world to see what is happening and give them wisdom to find the fair solution.

“We thank you for giving us the opportunity to come to Norway and meet the people who are looking for peace”.

In the name of God, amen.

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